• Decorative foliage forms a compact spreading mound.
  • Profuse display of purple flowers for many months.
  • Ground cover or trailer for full sun to part shade.

Botanical name Geranium Party Lights Purple

Height 30cm
Spread up to 1m
Full sun
Full sun/part shade

Botanical name Geranium Party Lights Purple

Plant uses

  • Dry or gravel gardens.
  • Containers or baskets.
  • Cover bare patches in borders.
  • Ideal ‘filler’ between larger plants.
  • Will cascade over walls and embankments.

Cultural care

Select a sunny to part shade location in most soil types that are well draining. Medium water requirements tolerating periods of dry but should be given occasional deep watering through extended periods of heat. A prune to tidy in winter would be beneficial. Apply slow release fertiliser during early spring.