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Lewisia SAFIRA™
Brilliant colour for small spaces and container displays. Waterwise with fleshy foliage and prolific displays of brightly coloured blooms. Hardy, easy to grow and low maintenance with many garden applications. Great in gardens and containers!
So dainty in appearance and dimensions yet deceptively tough and easy care colour for many home garden situations. Perfect for all kinds of small space solutions including containers, baskets, edging, narrow spaces and rockeries – these low growing plants form dense rosettes of green fleshy foliage. Beautiful displays of brightly coloured blooms rise from sturdy stems in a prolific display heaviest in spring but with repeat flushes during the year, including winter months.
If you are needing a low maintenance but high performing plant for a small space, in either full sun or part shade, Lewisia SAFIRA™ varieties will deliver. Easy to grow in most soil types, their only dislike is sitting in wet conditions for long periods so if growing in garden beds ensure they have good drainage. Other than that, they will tolerate dry and frost once they are established and are perfect for adding splashes of colour to patios, verandahs and entertainment areas where they can also be used for delightful tabletop displays.